About Me
As an elected member for the Dartford Borough, I feel very privilaged to be serving the borough of my home town. Having lived in Dartford since approx. 1969, I have seen the town change through the years. Having lived in East Dartford since 1969, I began my school life at St. Alban’s Road Infants, York Road Primary and then my secondary school years were spent at the Downs School, now known as the Leigh Academy. I am a married family man with a son and daughter, my wife also working within the Dartford Borough.
My introduction into local politics was made by my late father Mr Darshan Singh Sandhu MBE, through him and the people within our lives at the time my passion for local politics began. Having been elected to serve Dartford North East in the Kent County Council elections in 2009, I was given the position of Deputy Cabinet Member for communities, this role gave me enormous insight into the world of politics on a county wide level. Being very much community based, I was keen to enhance the the Dartford North East area as much as I could whilst in the position. Through setting up and running regularly surgeries in the various parts of the area I soon established good links with residents and I’m confident that between us (myself and the residents) we have made changes to the area which will benefit everyone.

Get Involved
I would very much appreciate the support of the local residents in order to maintain and further develop the area of Brent Ward which I represent. I an sincerely grateful for any support which I am given because we all know life is very busy and so devoting a small amount of time towards your area can make a huge difference. Please click here to contact me about how you’d like to improve your area.
Thank you.
Latest news & Article

Cllr. Avtar Sandhu 2009
Here are some of the events which I participated in during 2009 as a councillor.

Visit to Kent Mountain Centre
Kent Mountain Centre, situated in Llanberis, North Wales, is an outdoor education centre. It is at the foot of Snowdon, next to Padarn Lake and is

Dartford Remembers the War Heroes
Avtar Sandhu joins the Mayor Cllr Jennifer Rickwood along with Council Leader Jeremy Kite along with other dignitaries and 100’s more from the services and